Showing posts with label Stephen King Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen King Movies. Show all posts


Ranking the King Movies, pt. 2

And now as continued from last time for my top twenty favorite Kings. (In case the header photo wasn't informative enough.)

Maximum Overdrive

Almost certainly a less sensible movie than many of the ones aforementioned, this one’s undergone a renewed appreciation of late. In a way that’s good. It’s as representative a slice of 80s horror as Friday the 13th, pt. 3 and was never as bad as it briefly had the reputation as being. (Like disco or Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the conventional wisdom on this one really changed somewhere over the last ten or twenty years.) In no way could it be considered a masterpiece, nor even a legit-great flick. It has, though, undeniably, a definite je-ne-sais-quois

Is it the premise itself? The massive amounts of destruction? The cocaine buried in the mix? The campy performances? The AC/DC? The burning toilet paper scattered across the highway? The Green Goblin? The menace of the machines? The Emilio of Estevez? Its 80s-ness? The tension between familiar-King-characters in a situation beyond the author’s control/ powers? Unknown. All of the above and then some.

All I know is, I always enjoy watching this movie, and I always say at least once to myself "Oh boy, this is terrible." It's one of those movies. I probably don't need to tell you this, but that combo can on occasion be even more fun than a movie more traditionally-made. 

Riding the Bullet

Well now, the award for Most Improved Movie in My Personal Reckoning goes to this one. I didn’t quite love this movie, but for starters, it’s really pretty to look at, something I didn’t remember at all from the first time I saw it. 

See what I mean?

And it’s got a lot of heart. What it feels like is a personal film from Mick Garris, perhaps his ONLY personal film that I’m aware of. It works. There's a point when you're watching this where you can choose to go with it or turn it off; go with it.

Sadly I cannot find the notes I took while I was watching it. So I’ve got little specific to go on except the above. Which is a shame, as enjoying it on this 2020 King-movie-revisit was a pleasant surprise. I don't remember the original story too, too well; I tend to get it mixed up with "Nona" in my head. (See comments elsewhere about the people manning my mental file cabinets and their habit of misfiling things.) I was doing a big King Short Fiction re-read but then got off track and lost the mojo. I'll pick it up again sooner or later, but I think this movie goes its own way. One of the occasions I'm happy it did so. I look forward to watching this one again. 

Graveyard Shift

Here’s another one that seems to have only risen in prestige in the years since no one even knew it existed. 

Which is kind of funny. I mean: it’s not a good movie. But we’ve covered that – it doesn’t have to objectively be “good” to be awesome. Graveyard Shift is not awesome – let’s be clear there, too. But it is fun. At least in theory. I have to say, I recently got the special edition blu-ray and Dawn and I watched it and for the first time I thought “Well… I don’t need to see that for awhile.”

Whereas for about ten watches prior to that (all taking place over the past eight years) it was getting more and more enjoyable, each time I watched it. I’d half convinced myself it WAS a good movie and just took a little digging. And who knows? That’s true of plenty of movies, probably this one too. But, I think I may have found my plateau of enjoyment with it. If so, it was a wild ride, Graveyard Shift, and like a letter-cube settling into place on a Boggle board, I think you may have finally found your spot.

The end-credits song belongs in whatever Museum of Stephen King opens in the years to come. 

The Mist

This is an odd movie. It’s well-made and engaging enough and follows the events of the novella fairly closely. Which is good – the original story is great fun. Except it ends (literally) on a note of hope, while the movie ends on the precise opposite of hope. 

Is that the right choice to have made?

I don’t know. Works for some people. For me, had they ended it more like the novella, I’d have placed this higher. It’s the type of ending that shocks you but does it really illuminate / tie together what came before? The downer editing forces you to consider everything you’ve seen as either the “shit happens then gets worse then you die, tough titty, loser” nihilism popular with certain 21st century horror but not at all popular with me. Or the ending forces you to consider "the mist" as some kind of metaphor/ statement about… what? Depression? Despair? The audacity of hopelessness? 

Tell you the truth, I’m surprised it’s where it is on this countdown. I have a feeling when I re-do these down the road it might fall a bit. It's well-made, but I split with people on the ending. 

I have not watched the show. I kinda don't see the point of turning this into a show, I'll be honest. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised.

The Night Flier

Mark Pavia’s first film has a devoted cult following. And deservedly so – despite some clunky moments here and there, this is a very effective movie, with a good script, a strong (and rare lead) performance from Miguel Ferrer, as well as Julie Entwistle, who for some reason never went on to fame and glory. Why not? Clearly she had the goods. Pavia, too, (her husband incidentally). With the modest success and good reviews of Fender Bender let’s hope this guy gets more turns behind the camera, and especially more turns adapting King. I was excited a few years back when it looked like he was going to be making an anthology film out of "The Reaper's Image."

If there’s one part of this movie that fails for me on subsequent viewings, it’s the guy playing Renfield (Michael H. Moss). A good physical presence but some of the dialogue is delivered a in a sort of cosplay-Orson-Welles style. 

Secret Window

Here’s an underappreciated movie. Although watching it for this post I was slightly impatient with it. Probably not the fault of the movie, though. Long days round here lately – by the time movie-time rolls around at night, I’m not always in the most patient frame of mind.   

Johnny Depp gives a great performance, as does John Turtorro. We're so used to great performances from those guys it's tough to appreciate, sometimes, the little subtle touches they bring to things.

Very well-made film that preserves and showcases the twist quite well. 

Needful Things

This one is as high in the list as it is solely due to Max Von Sydow’s performance as Leland Gaunt. How delightful is he here? Pretty darn delightful. It's the type of performance that - like Tim Curry's in the It mini-series - paves over whatever potholes are in the rest of the movie. Unlike that mini-series, though, there's less to pave over here. 

The expanded version is a much better adaptation of the novel; I suppose it should be considered the director’s cut. It adds a great deal of the novel that was excised from the theatrical cut. But both versions work pretty well on account of the strong casts. It helps if you love the book, which I do.

The Mangler

I’d never seen this one until gathering my materials together for this post. I actually kind of loved it, to my immense surprise. It was always one of those “Why and how did they ever turn this short story into a book” items in my brain. Understandably - but unfairly, as it turns out.

Is it a masterpiece? No. Is it way closer to being one than it has any business being? Absolutely. “Masterpiece” is of course subjective. It’s an easygoing and dare-I-say sumptuous remix of old school horror and Tobe Hooper’s unique approach. (I’ve discovered through reading The Truth Inside the Lie that I really don’t know Hooper’s catalog anywhere near as well as I thought I did, though, so that statement has an asterisk. ) It expands King’s original story (a silly but effective old-school-horror-in-modern-clothes effort) into something even more monstrous. It retains the old-school-horror (virgin blood, belladonna, yadda yadda) and renders the absurd premise as believable, somehow. 

I can't recall where I read it, apologies, but the film also doubles as Tobe Hooper's metaphorical assessment of his career in Hollywood. No need to even read that deeply into it to observe this, the analogs are fairly easy. (The machine = Hollywood, the family = the studio/executives, the cop = the independent director, his friend = his fans, etc.) This angle makes The Mangler not only an underappreciated King film but an unappreciated examination of 90s filmmaking in general, particularly the studio/indie dichotomy of those years.


I’ve a feeling I may bump this one down in a few years/ after a few more watches. You heard it here first! OMG #WatchThisSpace

Until I do, this is a great and somewhat-rare treat for King fans: a meticulously faithful adaptation of the story that still feels like pure cinema rather than just a read-along-storybook, as adaptations with lots of voice-over can seem sometimes.

Most of the ones that follow, actually, follow their source material quite closely. Probably no coincidence they land where they do in our countdown. 

Stand By Me

This one hasn’t aged well for me. But it seems to have aged like proverbial fine wine to everyone else, so I mostly keep my mouth shut. When the score is everyone five thousand and me zero, I think the issue is likely on my end and not the film's. And considering its director has two King adaptations in my top fifteen, it must be clear even to me on some level that everyone is right. 

I try to pinpoint what it is that bugs me when I re-watch this now. Is it the performances? Somewhat. Too much narration telling me how to feel? Somewhat there, too. There's a sort of forced-march-of-nostalgia going on in some places. But there's plenty of that to compare it to, nowadays, where "Forced March of Nostalgia" is practically a genre you can pick on Netflix, and Stand By Me is miles above any of that crap. 

So I guess it's not that the film hasn't aged well for me, it's that my relationship to it seems proportional to the context around me. When I was twelve it was my favorite thing ever. Then it wasn't. As a forty-six year old, I appreciate in a way I never could previously how well it did its job, even if I enjoy it less. Weird, eh? 

The Green Mile

Here's a movie that can be reduced - like a fraction - to less flattering descriptions. Tom Hanks plus Shawshank over gospel equals box office/ syndication/ Oscar glory, or something like that. A Marxist read on the film would be something like "passion play in blackface to absolve the capitalists of their racist crimes." The Opiate-Delivery-Mechanism Gospel According to Paul Edgcomb, or perhaps according to Mister Jingles. 

But that shows the limitations of such reductive reviewing. The film works, as the novel works too. Sure you can say hey, this is just a warmed-over gospel metaphor, ("just") and maybe "problematic" to use such an overwrought term as that. It doesn't matter. That's neither the most relevant nor the most fulfilling takeaway from viewing this film. It's a great and very effective theatrical production, for one. Like Oliver Stone's JFK  * you don't have to agree with either the conclusion or intent of the story just to admire its excellence as a production.

* It's a more interesting comparison that it might seem; someone should spend some time comparing and contrasting the two films. Both deal with an apostle-to-new-truth-like change in the protagonist's lives due to an assassination, the invisible hand of the "free market" as nefarious systemic metaphor, etc. Food for a later date perhaps. 

Had the nation not had a touch of Tom Hanks fatigue in 1999, it's likely he'd have won another Oscar for this one. Shame Michael Clarke Duncan didn't win; he was nominated but Michael Caine took it home for The Cider House Rules. Which I've still yet to read, damn it. 

Gerald's Game

The only thing wrong with this movie is the only thing wrong with the book: the epilogue. And there’s by no means wide agreement on whether there’s anything wrong with the book’s epilogue in the first place, so depending where you come down on that one, this will or won’t bother you at all. 

Beyond the ending, though, this could have so easily been a disaster in the wrong hands, and it's quite the opposite. Great stuff here, a showcase for the considerable talents of Carla Gugino, as well as Bruce Greenwood who has become a reliable go-to in recent years. Nice to see that. He needs the right TV role. Or hell: how about casting HIM as Roland? Not the first or more obvious choice, but as I tried to think of iconic roles he could bring to life, that one flashed across my mind. In retrospect, he was the only thing they got one hundred percent right with the Lens Flare reboot. 

Enough about Bruce Greenwood. It may be his character's game, but it's Carla's movie. This is a film whose reputation will only improve, I think. 

The Dark Half

I’ve come to realize that like Tobe Hooper I don’t know George Romero’s catalog half as well as I thought I did, either. So I’m not sure where this one falls on the Greatest Romero Ever list. My guess would be third or fourth, but it should at least be in the top five/ ten conversation. 

People don’t talk about this one as much as they should, or so it seems to me. Maybe they do, what do I know what people are talking about? Maybe if I went to Stephen King dot com or the official chat forums I’d see page after glorious page of appreciation for this movie. 

I suspect it’s one I might actually bump down a bit next time I do these, but for now I can thank The Truth Inside the Lie and its deep dive on the book for turning me on to this in a way I hadn't initially appreciated. 

Creepshow / Cat's Eye
(1982 / 1985)

These are tied for my seventh favorite King movie because I honestly can't tell which one I love more. They both got into my head and King-reckonings around the same time (6th grade, VHS) and activate the same King-positive neurons in my brain. Simply put, I adore these movies.

Of the two, Creepshow is probably the "better-made" film. It's got that faux-EC design and the whole meteor-shit business. But better-made only goes so far in a subjective race; hell, The Dark Half is better-made than Creepshow, probably, but I'll take it over The Dark Half or most other Romero. 

To honor such ambivalent passions and the thread of positivity between them, I present them here in tandem. James Woods, Leslie Nielson, Alan King, Ed Harris, EC - I was introduced to all of them for the first time in this era of repeat-watching-on-VHS via these two movies.

Dolores Claiborne

King’s so-called feminist period lasted from 1992 to 1995, although seems to me the work before and after is pretty feminist-friendly, too. But when people say “King’s feminist period,” they mean Gerald's Game, Rose Madder, Insomnia, and this one. 

Of all the above, Dolores is my favorite, so it’s probably no surprise it’s one of my favorite King movies as well. It's fairly well-regarded among critics and audiences but somehow still feels underappreciated to me. A great film apart from being a great adaptation and one of Kathy Bates’ finest roles.

And speaking of Kathy Bates:


Where were you the night of November 30th, 1990? I was at the Walnut Hill movie theater in Woonsocket, RI, on a first date with a girl I'd be entangled with for a few years. Kind of an ominous title for a first date, no? We should’ve went to see Three Men and a Little Lady in the theater next door, maybe things would’ve ended differently. 

I’ve had my ups and downs with this movie over the years. Loved it, then had it had bad connotations after things didn’t work down the line with the girl above, then I just kind of forgot about it for awhile. When I re-discovered it in the mid-00s at first I was critical of it then slowly began turning positive on it again. I've reread the book twice in the last ten years and each time I appreciated what they did with the movie even more. Adding the sheriff character was a good idea, as well as Frances Sternhagen. Both of whom feel like King characters even though they’re not from the book.

Kathy Bates is a hell of an actress. Her Annie Wilkes is a perfect mix of diabolical, nurturing, poignant, and off-her-meds nuts. And James Caan is great as Paul Sheldon. Hell, you don’t need me to sell the damn thing. Like the next few, a classic you can still trust after all these years.

The Shawshank Redemption

"Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.
I guess I just miss my friend."

First time I saw this, I had to excuse myself and go into the bathroom and cry a little bit after I heard that, I'm not ashamed to say. Which never happened to me when reading the novella, although I read it many times before I ever saw the movie. Sometime around 2000, when the girl I'd been seeing for most of the 90s moved away. I guess the idea was she was a bird with bright feathers and I was stuck in prison. Funny how that comes back to me now, years and worlds later, and I still remember how that realization felt. Ah, the relationships of youth.

I always bring up these relationships when I review these things, but is that really so odd? I'm not reviewing these for Esquire or Sight and Sound. A lot of movies and music are tied up in our relationships. Anyway! No one should get the wrong idea. No one's lamenting anything. Not even getting older.

As with Misery or all these things you sure don't need me to sell this movie to you. It's one of those It's a Wonderful Life movies that will be aired on Thanksgiving or Easter for the next fifty to sixty years I bet. 


I mentioned this in my remarks about the 2013 version last time: "The time/ momentum seemed / still seems right for Carrie to be remade and replace the De Palma version now over forty years old in the collective imagination. And this wasn’t bad, really; it’s just… not that. It should’ve swung for the fences. Did it? No one gives a performance anyone is still talking about, and that’s a problem. This is the sort of movie where that needs to happen. Or perhaps its cultural moment has passed? Maybe the imagery and events of Carrie have been absorbed into the culture and collective unconscious now, blunting its ability to reflect or shock us. We have assimilated Carrie, or perhaps been assimilated by it, so we can’t react to it that way, even if done well. "

I plan to rewatch this for Halloween season viewing this year, so I hope to add some further remarks in the comments. Depending when you’re reading this (and if it even happens) this review may be expanded. For now I’ll suffice to say De Palma is a polarizing director, but I find many of his films fascinating to watch. Though not in many a year. The stuff he was doing from the mid-70s through the mid-80s fascinates me most of all. Someone at some link I no longer have wrote about how The Exorcist 2: The Heretic is not a sensible sequel to The Exorcist, but it is a sensible progression in the career of John Boorman. This is true of De Palma, here, though not the sequel aspect, of course. That's a sort of cyphr for figuring out De Palma's movies, I think, the context of what in his own work he's reacting against or moving toward or away from. Carrie can be viewed equally well on those terms, as a King adaptation, as a 70s film, or just as a horror/ coming of age movie. 

Unlike many and with all due respect, I prefer it to the book. As I do for:

The Dead Zone

David Cronenberg is another fascinating director. A bit less polarizing than De Palma, though probably not by much. I plan/ hope to watch The Dead Zone for Halloween 2020 as well, so same sitch as above. 

Sitting alongside Cat’s Eye and Creepshow in my personal mental warehouse of Early King Fandom, this film retains all of its impact almost forty years later. Some say “now more than ever.” I’ve seen that written somewhere on this movie every few years since it came out, though. Its message is perennial, bipartisan, and poignantly conveyed through some brilliant and understated performances. (You'd never know Herbert Lom is the guy always trying to kill Inspector Clouseau from his moving performance here.) Its dreamscape of melancholy remains among the most remarkable achievements of Cronenberg’s career, a career with no shortage of remarkable achievements.

You know, I really should do a best-of Cronenberg post one day. Don’t know why I’ve never thought of this until right now. I think I’ve seen everything except Maps to the Stars.

And finally:

The Shining

It’s hard to come up with anything to say about this movie. Hasn’t it all been said? Reviews of the film these days read more like reviews of all the arguments about it, particularly the book vs. movie/ King vs. Kubrick divide. 

I’ll try to sidestep all that as much as I can. Allow me to bullet point some things I love about this movie:

- If The Dead Zone is like a stroll through melancholy, this one is like soaking in a bath of dread. (Maybe the bath with the hacked-up lady from Room 237? Gross.) I’d never felt that from a movie before. It led, eventually, to exploring how a film could be designed to so effectively evoke such a feeling. Basically, in order to get to sleep one scared-sleepless night after watching this movie, I remember consciously thinking “someone had to put the camera in that room” and it opened up not just this movie but ALL movies to this sort of consideration. 

- Jack’s performance as Jack Torrance. It’s not for everyone. Spielberg relays on a Kubrick documentary that once he told Kubrick that Jack’s performance was a little too much for him, and Kubrick likened it to James Cagney. I don’t know Cagney’s acting style or the specific film Spielberg mentions well enough to know if that’s accurate, but it makes sense to me, generally, as Kubrick’s approach to directing Jack in this movie. 

- I like everyone’s performance in this movie, actually, from Danny Lloyd to Shelly Duvall to Scatman Crothers to the littler but so important tonally parts like Stuart Ullman (Barry Nelson) and Lloyd (Joe Turkel). They all add up to something. Part of the reason the film feels the way it does is because each performance is arranged the way it is.

- Ditto for every shot and steadicam sequence. 

- In a way these are Captain Obvious points to make. I’m describing the simple grammar of film, editing, set design, etc. But damn if it’s not all harnessed so well here. 

- All the snow. The ending. The changing of the jacket before the fish soiree. 

- The soundtrack and sound design. Taking the atonal mayhem out of the concert halls and dropping it into the multiplexes of America as accompaniment to a horror film is the sort of public school prank I can get behind.  

And finally, I love it just as a brilliant realization of the book. Many don’t, including (like any of you need me to tell you this) its author. So it goes. As for me, it’s my 2nd favorite King book, probably my favorite Kubrick movie, and here it is at the top of the charts of my favorite King movies.

Until next time, friends.


Ranking the King Movies, pt. 1

I thought I did some kind of King Movie Rankings post back in 2012-2013, but apparently I did no such thing. I did rank the mini-series (though that post is missing a few, so I need to re-do it properly) but never the movies. 

So! Let's rank the King movies.

Before we do, let's establish for the purposes of this post anyway what a King movie is and what it is not. It's on the list below if it was a) released to theaters or Netflix / streaming, but not cable or straight-to-video, b) based on previously published King material, c) not an original-material sequel to anything that would qualify for "b", and d) a film and not a mini-series, short, or TV show.

I don't think I missed any or bent any rules to bring you the following, but the possibility exists. I'll break these up into a few posts. Let's begin with:

The Dark Tower 

Let’s put aside the film’s poor structure and general not-making-sense-ness. Whom exactly was this made to satisfy? Blockbuster fans? Sci-fi fans? King fans? Idris Elba fans? Matthew McConaughey fans? Some hopeful Venn diagram of them all? It's difficult to see how this film possibly could satisfy any of them. It fails first and foremost as an adaptation of the book. Bad enough, but it fails even more spectacularly as the tentpole of some kind of franchise. Right there you have two unforgivable problems. It also fails as any kind of credible blockbuster/ action-mystery/ whatever-genre-blend it was meant to be. Or just as an intelligible or even entertaining movie. It’s as unparalleled a waste of cinematic muscle as any in recent or distant memory, squandering ten freaking years of pre-production.

A lot of virtual ink was spilled on Idris Elba’s casting as Roland. I spilled some myself. The casting isn’t the issue people think it is. Had Rosie O'Donnell been cast as Roland and the film actually resembled, say, The Gunslinger, it'd have been very weird, but it'd have been okay. Usually what people are saying is “I’m concerned the filmmakers are not interested in making the novel to which they bought the rights but instead want to skin it, gut it, and wear its skin and dance around in front of me." That’s a concern I understand, and share. And when the end result is The Dark Tower, it’s worth asking what happened and who was responsible. And to squint cold fury in their direction.

It, chapter Two

I didn’t love pt. 1 as much as a lot of folks, but it was decent enough. It certainly left pt. 2 in a great spot; they just had to come in and swing at anything close and the game was over. Unfortunately, and somewhat unfathomably, they decided not to swing at anything close and instead leave the stadium and forfeit the game, but not without dragging the fans along for hours of their lives they'll never recapture. 

What a squandered set-up! What a chance to write your name in cinematic history! Instead, they wrote their name, unofficially, in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Seriously: watch it with that in mind; this is a friggin’ Freddy Krueger movie. Nothing wrong with that, but why-God-why make that choice here? 

Forgetting both its source material and its leading man for unforgivably long stretches of time in favor of swipes, invented arcs, slapdash bullshit, dumb jokes, bad effects, no scares, and no sense, this film blows. 'Nuff said. I'd single out a least favorite scene, but they pretty much all are terrible. Actually, two come to mind: the "Mike doses Bill and info-dumps" scene, and every last one of the "King blows the ending" jokes. Just dreadful. 

Cell / A Good Marriage
(2016 / 2014)

I won't pretend I actually saw these, but I don't think I need to. If there's some mass re-evaluation of both in the years to come maybe I'll give them a shot, but they sound like terrible movies that even the cast and crew disavow. It’s a damn shame, as both of these stories could be great movies, so there's again that sense of waste. Why do that? I'll never get it. There's a scene in Dawson's Creek of all things where Dawson, in Hollywood at last and a PA on a film set, chews out the director for being an asshole. It's a ridiculous scene, but the general gist of it ("you get to make movies for a living, and you do this?") applies doubly when adapting great King stories.

Probably worse than either The Dark Tower or It, ch2. But those two had a lot further to fall and leave bigger splotches. 

The Lawnmower Man

A week before I went to college the summer after my senior year I took a trip down to Wilmington, NC to meet a couple of pen pals in person. (Who turned out to be jerks. C'est la vie.) The trip was my grandmother’s graduation present to me – neither here nor there, pretty much no details of it are, except that it was on that trip that I saw this movie, on VHS, and that’s the first thing I always think of whenever it comes up: watching it in aforementioned-jerk's living room and counting down the days til I could escape back to RI. 

The second thing I think of is “Everyone thought the CGI for that was so mind-blowing.” It was the first shot of the CGI revolution. (Not really). The third thing I think of is: holy moley this film is terrible. If somehow you’ve never seen it and are a fan of the story, don’t worry about missing it. I am, too – I think it’s one of King’s successfully weird ones. Only a Pierce Brosnan completist needs to see this, and even then, will be disappointed.


Holy shit this movie. A friend nails it in his review: "Thinner wrecked a good Stephen King novel. Not a great one, by any means, but definitely a good one. The movie version is bad on every level, from the casting to the direction to the dialogue to the lighting to the effects to the makeup. I suspect the catering was bad, too."

It really is instructively bad. I hope someone makes a film making the opposite choice to everything on screen in this one; it couldn't help but be a masterpiece.

Dolan's Cadillac

A good if odd novella was turned into some half-baked comment on immigration. Or something. I made it about halfway through and then had to turn it off.  The original novella is not great, but it's unique enough and is actually quite cinematic. It's a story that could be told better visually than textually perhaps.

Speaking of visuals, I hate to point out how easy it looks for Christian Slater to escape up there. I mean, come on - that's the whole damn point.  


Infamously terrible. I’d like to say it’s a guilty pleasure or has some unappreciated aspect. It really doesn’t, though. I remember seeing a trailer for this before the Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes movie and being utterly baffled. Actually watching the movie didn't clear much up.

The only cool thing about it isn’t even about it. While I was watching it for the first time I got a call from my wife to let me know she was pregnant with our first daughter. Project Spacegirl (nee Spacebaby) had begun. Dreamcatcher, indeed. 

Doctor Sleep

I’m not a fan of the book, but I was so intrigued by the first forty-five minutes of this that I stopped watching it streaming and ordered the blu-ray so my wife and I could watch it together. I wrote a friend that night “Holy shit this movie's good. I'm only an hour or so through it, but man - I've had a lump in my throat since the beginning. This is really a remarkable movie.”

I wrote the same friend a week later: "I haven't turned on a movie like this mid-stream in awhile. (I think the last one was Midsommar.) The second half of the movie completely obliterates all the good of the first. I was frankly amazed. You know me: I wasn't a fan of the book, but I was shocked at how good and how emotionally involved I was with the first part. Then: everything goes to shit. The problems are well-sketched out in this review (i.e. they lost the center of the movie - Danny's recovery) and it turns into a literal X-Men monster of the week movie for an hour or two.

So many completely avoidable problems: (1) It is never explained adequately why on earth Daniel wants to take them to the Overlook. It comes off as needing to be done to drag the film back into the "this is a sequel to The Shining" lane. (2) Danny turning on the juice in the boile room for the Overlook makes little sense. I'll give this section a little leeway because I think it's supposed to be drifting back and forth between what's actually happening and what might be only metaphor. And yet, the film itself loses sight of this (the ambulances and such are coming up the mountain at the end? i.e. is the Hotel actually on fire? how? Are they telling us the literal power/ boiler has been on for 40 years, just waiting for someone to walk in and turn it on? Electricity/ power does not work like that. (3) Also: let's assume she (Abra) gets a ride back down the mountain with the ambulances. That's it? Just a jump cut to her room, chatting with her Mom and Ghost Dan? There are a thousand missing questions, there. The film lost Danny and ends with Abra? No. The best part about the book that really resonated with me was the last 5-10 pages where it brings it all back to Danny at the hospice. The film jettisons this completely. Awful.

Also (4)  Snakebite Andi was like 35 years old FFS. Just saying. Not credible jailbait for pedos."

Like It, ch. 2 it seems to forget both its source material (such as I remember it) and its leading man for weird stretches of time. All the weirder that this comes from Mike Flanagan, who’s brought Gerald's Game (and Haunting of Hill House) to life so successfully. The book's problems are only magnified in this adaptation. 


I quite enjoyed this the first time I saw it. Less so on the second, and it basically free-fell to a gruesome landing on the third. No subsequent viewing (it was on cable a lot) ever changed my mind much, but I think it’s where it basically will stay. 

John Cusack is a weird one, eh? He’s in two of the worst King adaptations and one of the best. This film has less in common with King, though, and more in common with another of his movies, Identity. Just twists and jumps that make no sense. All atmosphere, no oxygen.


The book is basically another slightly modified X-Men annual. (Picture the ending being outside the gates of the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in Westchester and not the New York Times.) Both late 70s / 80s X-scribe Chris Claremont and King are baby boomers who plugged into their generation’s zeitgeist pretty darn successfully. This movie can’t decide what approach it’s taking and ends up feeling false. 

Both the image above and this one below burned fiercely onto my eleven year old brain. As I often mention whenever this comes up, for some reason this movie more than any other freaked me the hell out when I was that age. I had nightmares for a month.


The time/ momentum seemed / still seems right for Carrie to be remade and replace the De Palma version now over forty years old in the collective imagination. And this wasn’t bad, really; it’s just… not that. It should’ve swung for the fences. Did it? No one gives a performance anyone is still talking about, and that’s a problem. This is the sort of movie where that needs to happen. 

Or perhaps its cultural moment has passed? Maybe the imagery and events of Carrie have been absorbed into the culture and collective unconscious now, blunting its ability to reflect or shock us. We have assimilated Carrie, or perhaps been assimilated by it, so we can’t react to it that way, even if done well. 

What they should do is get De Palma to re-do it. Shot for shot. This 2013 movie, I mean, not his own. 

Pet Sematary / Pet Sematary

You know, the new one isn’t bad. It’s just forgettable. I watched it fairly recently and am hard pressed to remember anything except the changes they made. (Which don't really work but hey, they tried.) 

The old one is… kind of bad. I know some people love it. It’s one I too liked in the era it came out, but subsequent viewings soured me on. There’s a camp value of Gage Creed at the end (wholly, almost punishingly, absent from the remake) that I’ve come to appreciate. And I like Fred Gwynne’s whole deal. But overall it’s not one I find very fun to watch nor very well-made. And the Zelda scenes are excruciating. And Tasha Yar is terrible. And the lead is asleep throughout the whole thing. How does this movie have an overall good rep, anyway? Is it just on account of the Ramones song?

Its existence led to the South Park "Old Farmer" character, so if nothing else there's that


Everyone seems to love this movie. I feel kinda left out. It’s just never really clicked with me. The book neither. Take this, for example; that making-of book sounds like a whale of a good time, but it feels like I’m crashing a party when I read about it. 

Maybe next time we do these (hello, 2030) there’ll be some movement on this one.

Apt Pupil

The most interesting thing about this one is how dated it now feels. I don’t mean the fact that it’s dated is remarkable; that happens to most everything. But this one feels dated in a specific way, like putting on the wrong pair of glasses. Everything “feels” off, from the high school to David Schwimmer and Joshua Jackson being in it. And Brad Renfro, who was miscast. 

The source material hasn’t aged well, either. But at least it's still somewhat shocking. King was going for something in his novella that is missing, here. And that's not entirely Bryan Singer's fault. I think the best a filmmaker could do with this is something that would feel like a Nazified Blue Velvet if pulled off properly. Which is the sort of thing which sounds okay on paper (if it even does that) but would probably be retread-y at best, and likely horrendous. 

Maybe someone will prove me wrong one day; hope so!

Hearts in Atlantis

Here we move into warmer waters, closer to the shores of my heart. Not quite comfortable swimming distance, though. 

By excising both the title novella of the collection and the Dark Tower elements of “Low Men in Yellow Coats”, this again feel more like an X-Men annual of some kind than a stand-alone story. (Can you tell I've been re-reading my old X-Mens lately?) And nothing against those. it's just not quite universal enough for all purpose nostalgia (and a few shades too dark) but not quite sensible as a stand-alone thing, either. Especially with the attempt at a wrap-around ending.

It feels like a house with a shiny coat of paint on all four sides but no roof.  Pretty to look at but functional only in specific conditions.

Children of the Corn

Not a good movie. A real slog to make it all the way through, actually. But if you were of a certain age when it came out, it will always have a certain cachet. Maybe that should read “if you were of a certain age when it got into your head,” not necessarily when it came out. 

Say, you ever see “Disciples of the Crow?” It’s great. Check it out. 

I mentioned all the X-Men I've been looking at, but not all the Iron Maiden I've been listening to. A friend and I've been revisiting their catalog and having a lot of back and forth. I'm sure it'll port over to the blog sooner or later. It's funny how well the lyrics to "Children of the Damned" synch up with this movie. (You have to supply your own "corn", though.) Where's the appropriate YouTube mash-up?

In the Tall Grass

Well-made but kind of forgettable. I don’t remember the original story too well, for that matter. I remember when it came out though, in 2012, over two months in Esquire.

At the time, my wife lived in a little carriage house apartment over in Bucktown and there was a Walgreens (and a comics shop, since closed) about a half-mile from her house. I mention this only because whatever filing cabinet houses my memory of reading the story apparently has things misfiled in it. Nothing about the story, plenty about the walks to and fro, and the magazines themselves. Memory is a special little thing, isn’t it?

As for the movie, the disclaimer above for Children of the Corn will likely never be written by anyone thirty years from now. (Whether or not there are a gajillion sequels made remains to be seen.)

Silver Bullet

Cheesy, but harmless. Probably something every kid should see, I think. It’s a good primer on both werewolves and kid-horror-genre stuff. 

I'll let you know on that part once I think my kids are ready. I remember this still feeling scary at age thirteen, but everyone's different. Of course, it would negate the "primer" aspect if I wait too long to show them; they'll get contaminated with more recent werewolf takes. Decisions, decisions. 

Creepshow 2

From the magical year of 1987. I saw this in the theater and a whole bunch of times on VHS. Somehow I got it in mind that it was a terrible movie. It’s not at all. The guy in the mask and some of the animation is, no doubt. But the segments are all fine. More than fine, actually – well worth seeing and very much in the spirit of the original movie. 


Here’s another one a lot of people love and I always feel left out on. But like Cujo, neither book (though I like parts of it) nor the movie really do much for me. It’s John Carpenter and smack dab in the middle of his classic stretch of work, so hey: just historically, right there, it’s worth anyone’s time.

That one guy's hair is definitely impressive. Google it you won't be disappointed.

It, Chapter One

I was not as blown away by this as everyone else seemed to be. Pennywise was just okay. Passable in a not-Tim-Curry way but not iconic. It's not the actor's fault, though; everything about this one is ruined by part two, so look there for the source of almost all ills. 

In this one, the special fx are good, and the kids are great. Had they only landed the damn plane without killing everyone on board...! Ah well. Keep the sequel out of mind and this is a pretty great adaptation of a few parts of the book. We already had the mini-series for that, though, plus Tim Curry, so what they had to do was fix the landing. Which they did not. Again, all things seem to go back to that. 

The Running Man

Another shining jewel in the cinematic crown of 1987. Well, perhaps it merely reflects the shine of other jewels - either way.

This is an Arnold movie first, second, and third, and a King movie in distant fourth. It only stumbles when it tries to make any serious points on media, specifically that horrifying merger of government and media described in the novel. Considering America in 2020, this should all feel familiar. But it doesn't, really. I mean, had you told me that in 1987, I'd have said "That's a good thing." And it would be. Only we live in a dystopian future-present immediately relevant to the subject matter of The Running Man, and at no time does it feel immediately relevant. It feels like what it is: an Arnold vehicle. He'd have to wait until Total Recall to find the right sci-fi fit for his unique talents. 

And not that he isn't good here, I mean no disrespect. Just a genre clarification - like Batman and Robin, this belongs in the Arnold Movie genre; unlike that movie, it's an enjoyable (if probably-equally-terrible) slice of said genre. ("NOW! PLAIN ZERO!") Hell, I'll watch it right now. 

Don't touch that dial, says Dweezil Zappa. His guitar wants to kill your mama

Hope to see you next time for the Top Twenty!