Showing posts with label Kzinti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kzinti. Show all posts


Captain's Blog pt. 25: Guide to the Gold Key Trekverse

A full set for all of the Trek comics that Gold Key published goes for a pretty penny on eBay, but I got these 4 softcover collections for a song.

They only (!) collect the first 35 issues of the series, so technically, I have read only about half of the total output. I could get the trade paperbacks that collect the whole series, and maybe someday I will. For those of you who want a great issue by issue breakdown, I'm happy to report there's one already out there, on Curt DanHauser's site.

I first started collecting at the tail end of the once-mighty Western/ Dell/ Gold Key publishing empire. I only had eyes for Marvel, so I never came to any of this stuff until the 21st century, when my appetite for "retro" increased quite a bit.

Anyone who wants a cheap and packed-full-of-anecdotes overview of the whole saga is encouraged to download or track this down. Bruce Timm designs some great covers for Twomorrows Publishing.
Gold Key was known for its pop art covers, like these:

and unique paneling

 And then it adopted the painted cover approach:

I first became aware there was a non-Marvel/ DC comics publisher on a trip to Georgia (I think) in 1981 when my grandmother went to the store to buy me some comics (probably to shut me up.) She came back with this weird three-comics-in-one bag thing by some publisher called "Whitman."

What the frak?
Whitman was the last gasp of the aforementioned publishing empire. I didn't think anything of it at the time, just noted the different covers and panel design, then put it at the bottom of my comics trunk and went back to Spider-Man and Daredevil. 

Before the licensing rights to Trek went to Marvel and elsewhere, though, they were the sole province of Gold Key Comics. Gold Key was definitely "old school," i.e. they didn't think too much about giving writers and artists credit. They were also of the "solicit artwork from Italy because it's cheap" thinking, so sometimes the scripts and art seem to be working at cross-purposes.

At any rate, someone should erect a statue to commemorate the work of Gold Key's "Unknown Writer." For the Trek comics, Len Wein and George Kashdan wrote the majority of the known stories. And Alberto Giolitti and Nevio Zaccara and Alden McWilliams provide most of the artwork. Spock and Kirk, for the most part, look like Nimoy and Shatner, but Uhura and Scotty (and even Sulu) change looks often throughout the 35 issues I read.

I can only assume this was a result of the artists and writers (and publishers) never being in the same room, much less on the same page, through the Gold Key run. Writingwise, this Trekverse has some interesting differences than the one(s) we know and love.  The first 8 issues are probably the most curious to read in this regard, as planets are named somewhat whimsically (i.e. "Planet Numero Uno,") characters frequently say things like "Great Galaxies!" or "What in the name of Space?" and several galaxies (all invented) are mentioned or visited (!) in the span of a few issues. Most notable, though, is the use of Space Esperanto in lieu of the universal translator, something which elicited a chuckle each and every time I saw it. (Luckily, Shatner has a headstart on the language from his time in Incubus.)

Also, the role of money is somewhat confusing in this iteration of the Trekverse. Several plots revolve around some alien bad guy taking a planet hostage and demanding "30 billion space credits" from the Federation. If that sort of thing is a bridge too far for you, don't even bother, but if you get a kick out of that, as I do, these things are actually a lot more rewarding to read than I anticipated. It's a curious glimpse, as all non-canon stuff is, into a Trek that never was.

The complete covers gallery is kind of fun to flip through. A lot of these covers blurbs really make you think This happens an awful lot to the Enterprise crew, doesn't it?

As mentioned above, the full series was collected in trade paperback, but those collections don't include the bells and whistles from The Enterprise Logs, namely Kirk's and Spock's "Psychofiles:"

"Surviving son of Benjamin kirk, hero of the Klingon Repulsion," eh?
Are those supposed to be Vulcan children? I also like the "They make Spock very unhappy!" I wonder when Spock stopped referring to himself in the third person.
this excerpt from Scotty's diary:

or this From Sputnik to Warp Flight business:
The Kzinti Invasion? Also, Zephram, not Zefram?
Familiar faces, but different:



As demonstrated last time with that Afro-Kirk picture, sometimes things get a little weird:

Um... seriously, Captain?
In "Child's Play," McCoy mentions that Warp 8 is 512 times the speed of light. In the same story, the Enterprise has to go from end of the Milky Way to the other. Hmm. You do the math, here...

Speaking of light years, this sort of confusion about what they measure seems troubling for one's Chief Engineer.
And some of the plots seem a little familiar:

 I love that "I just can't shoot Abe Lincoln" line. Actually, there's a lot to love in this issue. (These panels are from two different parts of the story, by the way, so it's not as weird a transition as shown here.)
In particular, "Museum at the End of Space" is remarkably similar to the story that would eventually become "The Time Trap" in TAS. (Oh, I see the TAS episode is "adapted from the comic book," so mystery solved.)

All in all, I had a lot of fun with these. A few of the stories were genuinely great (such as the one whose name I can't quite recall, now, where Spock makes the discovery that stars themselves are sentient beings; that's quite a discovery!) and it was amusing to read these at the same time I'm reading DC's and Marvel's efforts with Trek. (The subject of a later post in this series.) For all the sophistication of DC's and Marvel's, I almost prefer Gold Key's more off-the-cuff approach. Although they settle into a more recognizable Trek pattern after the first twenty issues or so, for the first twenty issues or so, I was observing a world where galaxies could be zipped around like a small town, and everywhere you go, you were hailed in "Space Esperanto." I have to say: that's a universe I want to live in.

And I am now adding "Warp Four Loony" to my list of insults.