Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts


Doll Assassins of the Republic!

The other night Dawn threw on an old horror film, Asylum (1972), with (among others) Barbara Parkins and Herbert Lom. Here's its imdb plot summary:

"In order to secure a job at a mental institution, a young psychiatrist must interview four patients inside the asylum."

What's missing from that is the following sentence: 

"The 45th President of the United States of America has a small role (no pun intended) as the diminutive doll killer in the last segment."

I tried to interest several of my friends in this, but outside my wife, (God bless her), I was unable to impress the urgency of this discovery upon them. Perhaps the finished product will, we shall see. I am very much of the opinion that when the friggin' President-elect is discovered in some cheesy old British horror film, playing a stiletto-wielding doll assassin no less, this constitutes big news.

So, I decided there had to be some kind of visual record. You're welcome, America.

Also starring Patrick Magee as the Trump's first victim.

I almost hesitate to include these last two, as I do not want to give the impression to the Secret Service nor to anyone else that I or anyone in the Dog Star Omnibus bullpen are promoting violence upon the person of the President-Elect, or anyone, or anything. This is just how the segment ends, G-men, not any kind of code or call to action. That said, if these or any of the above became widely-shared memes, or fodder for caption-this contests, it's worth running the risk of being waterboarded at Gitmo to share these with you.

Ladies and gentlemen, our next President.