Before we move completely on from The Next Generation side of things: so we've seen my personal favorites and discussed some of yours. But what are the best TNG episodes? As objectively speaking as possible?
My methodology: I took the top 6 of my personal faves from each season and pitted them against one another in mortal combat. Criteria used: production value, originality (or, if familiar, success at conveying core strength of concept,) script, performance, and showcasing-the-series'-best-attributes. I assigned each episode on my lists numerical values based on the above, then added them up. What follows is the end result of many rounds of battle in my notebook. (I'd show you, but I've already sent it to the Smithsonian.)
Despite their high rankings in my season-by-season favorites, I removed "Clues" and "Emergence" from consideration. I love them more than some of the episodes below but recognize I'm pretty much the only one. So, tearfully but in the spirit of noble sacrifice and science, I put them to one side.
I've made my arguments for these episodes in other blogs, so this is just a straight-up list. You're welcome, Planet Earth. Away we go.
25. Time's Arrow |
24. Remember Me |
23. Lower Decks |
22. Captain's Holiday |
21. Rascals |
20. The Next Phase |
19. Starship Mine |
18. Schisms |
17. Contagion |
16. Data's Day |
15. Sins of the Father |
14. Phantasms |
13. Thine Own Self |
12. Future Imperfect |
11. Conundrum |
10. Ship in a Bottle |
9. Darmok |
8. Yesterday's Enterprise |
7. Cause and Effect |
6. Family |
5. Tapestry |
4. The Inner Light |
3. Parallels |
2. The Best of Both Worlds |
1. All Good Things... |
How about you? How are yours different?