
New Format Blues

 So this is the new format?

Everything looks awful to me. 

Is this caption normal-sized now? I have to physically make it smaller font?

I wish they'd put out some kind of style guide/ cheat sheet/ FAQs when they completely revamp something like this.

Incidentally, when I went to insert a pic, that one came up in "Google Photos." What? I did that blog like three years ago, maybe even longer. What's with the one photo and then two smaller ones?

Here's more, apparently, ready for use since 2014. I had no idea these were stored in my Google Photos:

Where is the snow effect coming from? 

I can remember doing all these blogs, of course, just how random these pics all appear, and how strange they appear as triptychs.

I'll hopefully figure it all out. I have to say the design-post-process is very user-unfriendly. Hopefully it's just the awkwardness of a new process. I remember when they completely changed the control-configuration for the Medal of Honor series. I gave up playing any new ones. Why you going to go and do that? You get used to doing something a certain way (and with Medal of Honor it had to do with the L1 and square button functions) and then suddenly you have to shoot/ aim/ move an entirely different way? Why? It's the same damn gameplay, why change it? Muscle memory is your friend, jerks. 

Anyway. I hope to look back on this post someday and laugh and not say "Oh that's when I lost the taste for blogging completely."


  1. Welllllllll....

    I should probably delete this post.

    Turns out the new format is pretty workable. I must've caught it in between updates or something.

    Maybe I'll leave it. Haven't decided yet. I do like those triptychs which I didn't realize were in Google Photos. There's a lot about cloud storage Dog Star Omnibus is hazy on. Not just cloud storage.

    1. My memory is hazy: what post is that one triptych of the lovely young lass behind bars from?

      I say leave the post up, as a monument to the moment!

      I'm not a fan of the new format, either. I'm getting used to it, but there are things that baffle me. It's not different enough, user-wise, to justify having been changed, but different enough to be annoying. Why did you bother, Blogger?

    2. That's the lady who played one of the Manson Girls! I forget which one. But yeah from the Manson in the Media post.

      I kind of like this triptych effect. I don't know how to do it deliberately, though...!

    3. I wouldn't have a clue. Find some sort of montage-maker program and do it on that, then take a screengrab and clip out the part you want to use -- that'd be my only idea. I'm kind of a basic user in many ways, though, so there probably IS a way, I just don't have a clue what it is.

      Pretty cool effect on that particular trio, though.

  2. On the subject of the snow effect ... that's got to be a .gif image that you used, and the old Blogger couldn't play them that way whereas the new one can. Otherwise, that's a real puzzler.
