
On This Day: An Enigma

Facebook tells me on twelve years ago today there was this exchange between Aharon Klum and myself:

I wish I knew what these jokes were referring to. I LOL'd at the weirdness/ juxtaposition of these things, and it has the general feel and tone of one of our (usually alcohol-fueled) escalating jokes that had a lot of backstory. Often said backstory will hit me in a flash and I'll LOL again at things that could never be explained or recreated but allow me a nice moment of memory. 

On other occasions, though, one of these will come around on Facebook and baffle me, as is the case here.


  1. My question is, does the baptism/HVAC gifting occur *after* the sacrifice? Is this the same simian as the Monkey God? Gotta be, right?

    I'm conflicted as to whether social media is a literal hellscape, but even if it is, it does offer up the occasional great memory.
